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Icy Minnehaha...

Beau + Kelsey accompanied me on a great adventure on a Saturday afternoon! Literally an adventure. We definitely had our boots and shoes dirty by the end of this crazy day. Let me tell you... They do NOT clear out the snow at Minnehaha in the winter time. Its a "Do if you dare" kind of park during this season. The steps were completely glazed over with ice. We spent a good half hour just sliding down the ice to get to the bottom. (No body got hurt) Then came the frozen waterfall part. Because of the water pressure, some of the waterfall was still running, but it felt like a down poor with the mist coming off of it. We were totally soaked! But Beau + Kelsey made it so easy for me to photograph regardless. We hiked up the trails with wet hair and wet clothes before we called it a night. We got these great shots and topped it off with a scary movie to end the night!

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